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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In CBT-I
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private practice
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MFT.0002324 | Colorado
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
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Life throws us lots of challenges and having a trustworthy professional to talk to in a safe space can be helpful. I can help you sort through the complexities in life and be the best you! My approach is client centered and strength focused. We can work together to build a plan to meet your goals, tackle your problems and improve your life. I have been practicing for over 10 years and have experience working with trauma, sleep problems, substance abuse and life adjustments. I have worked in mental health centers, psychiatry clinics, hospitals, corrections and military focused care settings. I am licensed in both Illinois and Utah. When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and children. I like running, boxing and pilates. I also enjoy the benefits of having pets and spending time in nature.
180.008698 | Il
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