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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In CBT; Relational; Attachment
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Are you ready to being? Have you started and stopped your journey because of obstacles too hard to handle? I want to help you challenge yourself past these obstacles in order to live the life you want. When we face our challenges and unpack what is getting in the way, we gain a better and deeper understanding of ourselves. I specialize in working with eating disorders and body image, anxiety and perfectionism, relationship difficulties, trauma, and life transitions. I also help with challenging old coping patterns stemming from trauma, attachment, and family of origin issues. I want to help my clients on their journey to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. I firmly believe that in order to bear witness to your journey: where you've come from, where you are at, and where you are headed are the base. I provide a solid, compassionate and safe therapeutic relationship and space for development and understanding.
39134 | Texas
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