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Today is February 23, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cbt Dbt Somatic

location-map Placer , CA

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As a multiethnic clinician with health challenges and chronic pain, I felt inspired to get my masters at Cal Lutheran University so that I could focus my training and practice in helping diverse populations while also focusing on helping those impacted by chronic pain and illness. I have Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Latino Counseling. Incorporating my own personal experiences with chronic pain and health challenges makes the work I do in my practice so meaningful. I have also now expanded in helping families and couples navigating infertility to postpartum. Being a support to those experiencing infertility, infant loss, other forms of grief and trauma are other areas of focus. Specifically for the past 7 years, most of my practice has helped individuals with by chronic pain, chronic illness, medical trauma, health anxiety, life transitions and relationship stressors.

Licence Information:

90752 | Ca