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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cognitive Behavorial Therapy

(252) 203 0509

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HI, I’M SHIRRIA MCCULLOUGH. I’m a mother of 5 and an introvert! As an introvert, I spend more than enough time in my own head, thinking of what I could have done differently, questioning my life decisions, and ways to develop myself. At the age of 25, I got my “life together” in 2006 following the death of my brother. His death made my mortality a reality and the thought of leaving my 3 children without anything if I passed, I got myself “together.” I received my Bachelor in Social Work from Barton College 2008, Master in Social Work from East Carolina University 2012 and became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in 2014. I enjoy working with individuals experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety that result from life responsibilities, such as the overworked and overwhelmed mother. I also enjoy helping younger millennials and Gen Zers that are anxious or depressed due to internal conflicts surrounding adulthood, unrealistic or unfulfilled expectations, and social media comparisons, and money instability Finally, I work with newly retired women, who find themselves more depressed in retirement instead of excited.