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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cognitive Counseling
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New York , NY | (929) 267 9909
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Healthy & Better Counseling Services utilizes a Christ-centered approach with a variety of people whether they are individuals, couples and/or families. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist my counseling sessions are geared to help you analyze your life’s perspectives in order to gain freedom from mental and cyclical captivity which leads to relief and restoration. It is my vision to support and encourage individuals as well as families with emotional, physical and mental health. This healthy way of living goes beyond good, because when we both do our part to bring healing to your soul you will be better. The aim is to realize your God-given purpose; therefore, the client’s first reconstruct is breaking the bondage of oppression. Various integrated models such as Structural Family, Cognitive Behavioral, Emotionally Focused with sound biblical principles, are used to help the client overcome. Overcoming comes in a healthy package for spirit, mind, nutrition and relations. Numerous clients have received mental health adjustments in areas of Bi-polar Disorder, bereavement, relationship issues and parent-child relational problems.
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