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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cognitivie Behavioral Therapy

location-map Franklin , OH | (614) 636 0334

Accepting New Clients

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With over a decade of experience, Welcoming Arms Counseling strives to provide a safe and secure place for individuals to address emotional and psychological problems that often result in personal suffering and struggling relationships. We place great emphasis on empathy and believe that we all encounter deep dark places that are best worked through when we have a safe and compassionate person to walk alongside us through the journey. Helping others find a way forward in order to experience fulfilling relationships and a joy-filled life is our main goal of therapy services. Jenn specializes in working with individuals in the LGBTQ+ community and/or individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, and trauma. The modalities used to assist individuals in improving insight, gaining coping skills and building empowerment and self-esteem are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectal Behavioral Therapy and Existential Therapy. Jenn is experienced in working with diverse populations, having worked outside of the United States and with people of many different socioeconomic statuses, cultures, intellectual and developmental stages, age groups, sexual orientations, and genders. Jenn uses she/her/hers or they/them/theirs pronouns, please let us know what name and pronouns you choose to use.

Licence Information:

E. 1200549 | Ohio