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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Creative Arts
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owner of Dalena Watson Counseling
Maricopa , AZ | (602) 686 3723
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Dalena is a Licensed Professional Counselor, EMDR clinician, Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery, and Board Certified-Music Therapist. She has worked in mental health, music therapy and wellness for 30 years providing individual and group therapy to all ages. Dalena provides inservice training and staff development, continuing education training, online workshops for personal growth and integrates her years of experience with music therapy, the Bonny Method of GIM, MARI (mandala assessments), EMDR, energy medicine (Reiki, EFT, chakra knowledge), journaling and creative arts to provide an integrative, customized experience.
LPC-11965 | Arizona
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