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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ddp
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In 1986, I initially started working in this field as an undergraduate student at the University of Utah where I began an internship with Salt Lake County Youth Services as a youth counselor. In 1992, my wife son and I moved to Denver, Colorado and I have been gaining experience in areas of the Mental Health field since eventually landing here at my private practice in 2017. Prior to my practice, I gained experience as a treatment provider with various Mental Health Agencies where I became trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (2008) registered with the EMDR Institute and EMDRIA for my credentialing. I received the Trauma Informed Care Training as well as Internal Family Systems, Attachment Theory (DDP) and Poly Vagal Theory and most recent, IADC® Therapy- Induced After Death Communication Therapy Credentialing by the Center for Grief and Traumatic Loss, LLC. I have a Master’s of Science in Counseling Marriage, Family and Child therapy I received in 2008.
LPC.0013122 | Colorado
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