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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Depth

location-map Marin , CA | (415) 272 3282

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I am a Licensed Psychologist with a general psychotherapy practice in Marin County–and throughout California via secure video. I provide therapy for adults, tweens, and teens; counseling for couples; and consultations to individuals, families, and other psychotherapists. I am an authority on anger and road rage and specialize in problematic anger. Other speciality areas include anxiety, ADHD, depression, and relationship problems. However, some clients come to learn more about themselves and use that new knowledge and self-awareness to re-shape their lives into more fulfilling ones. I bring with me over a 17 years of clinical experience and training in private practice, psychotherapy clinics, residential treatment facilities, substance recovery programs, and high school and college counseling centers. Additionally, I have over fifteen years of business management and human resource experience.

Licence Information:

PSY24839 | California