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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 6 Verified and 5 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In EFT
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I'm a behavioral therapist, which means I use only evidence-based interventions (methods that have been proven to work) to treat mental health conditions. The backbone of my practice is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), supplemented with strategies from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Both modalities are effective in helping people understand and change their behavior. I use additional approaches when clinically indicated and, of course, sometimes laughter is medicine! As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), I assess and treat my clients in the context of their environment, and I practice with a nonjudgmental, anti-racist, sex-positive, and gender/identity/lifestyle-affirming stance. I earned my Master of Science Degree in Social Work, Advanced Clinical Practice, at Columbia University in New York City. There, I was appointed to a fellowship in the DBT Training Program, which was founded with DBT developer Marsha Linehan. I served a CBT-focused clinical field placement at David Szuster Psychiatry in New York City, followed by a placement at Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, Connecticut, where I worked in the DBT Transitional Living Program and the DBT Intensive Outpatient Program. I completed DBT Intensive Training through the Linehan Institute's training company, Behavioral Tech, and was trained in CBT Essentials, CBT for Depression, and CBT for Anxiety by the Beck Institute, which was founded by CBT developer Aaron Beck. I completed Intensive Training in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) with CPT developer Kathleen Chard, and Fundamentals of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) through the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT), which was founded by EFT developer Sue Johnson. I learned Prolonged Grief Disorder Treament (PGDT) through the Center for Prolonged Grief Disorder at Columbia, where it was developed by Katherine Shear. Before opening my private practice, I worked at both Behavioral Psych Studio in New York City and Westside DBT in Los Angeles, where I specialized in treating suicidality, self-harm, and BPD. In addition to my work as a therapist, I provide consultation, supervision, and training to other clinicians, as well as expert comment in publications such as Newsweek and Everyday Health. My clients are vibrant, intelligent individuals who sometimes face challenges regulating their emotions, controlling their impulses, maintaining their relationships, and being compassionate toward themselves. I also see people who struggle with overthinking, mood fluctuations, and low self-esteem. Often, folks reach out after losing a loved one (companion animals included), or in the midst of a conflict or transition. I work frequently with arts and entertainment professionals, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, corporate leaders, and those whose loved ones have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
MFT.0001834 | Colorado
PSY 22731 | California
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As a psychologist, a father, a husband, a runner, a first Gulf War era Army officer and a former country manager of an American business in Russia, I bring a varied and eclectic style to my work. Trained in marital, family and child therapy, I have worked with clients from childhood into retirement and enjoy the diversity of seeing people at all stages of their lives and development. My goal is to maximize happiness and reduce anxiety and the impediments to truly enjoying your life. Currently I bring an eclectic trauma informed EMDR & IFS approach to my work, including with Russian speaking Ukrainian refugees.
SW5738 | Florida
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My name is Kim. I’ve been called a therapist, counselor, shrink, head doctor, feelings doctor, among other things. Just to be clear, I can’t prescribe medication, so the last two are above my pay grade (although it’s kind of you to consider me in such high standing). My fancy title is a licensed professional counselor because it requires a boatload of school and national testing. I explain my job to my kids as that of a “feelings teacher.” Beyond that, I’m also a container – a safe space to hold your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Sometimes, I’ve thought of myself a little like The Giver (you remember that book in grade school where one person holds all the memories and feelings of the whole clan just so no one has to experience pain and suffering?). How I Got Here I started my career in residential AODA treatment and am eternally grateful for that experience. Without the direct or indirect experience of addiction, it gave me an understanding and immense compassion for the struggle of addiction. It taught me how to work with that, despite my lack of personal experience. Next, I spent five years in a small group practice that served in community mental health (That’s a fancy way of saying “lots of people, lots of issues”). This experience helped me grow as a therapist who knows how to provide quality, evidence-based treatment in an authentic and comfortable way. I shifted to solo private telehealth practice to perfect my craft in couple and family work and create some dang personal balance! Our modern lifestyle is at the core of many mental health issues we are experiencing collectively as humans – and to which I can personally relate.
6669-125 | Wisconsin
023396 | New York
0701007352 | Virginia
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I am an LCSW with over 20 years of mental health experience. I have owned my private practice since 2013. My caseload consists mostly of couples. However, I have many years of experience working with individuals and families as well. I specialize in treating adults. My work mainly focuses on restoring relationships, and helping people heal from childhood trauma. I also work a lot with adult aged families, be it siblings, parent(s)/adult child, and other adult relatives needing help with their relationship. I work in both NC and NY. I am currently telehealth only at this time.
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Hello and welcome. I am uniquely set up to draw upon the knowledge of both traditional psychotherapy, and holistic approaches to healing that transform blocks and allows you to flow more easily into your authentic life. I believe in a holistic approach that acknowledges all aspects of human experience, and that we are all much more than a diagnosis or set of symptoms. I began my education in Sociology and decided that I want to help people heal. Drawing on my own life experiences with trauma and anxiety I have a unique window into these experiences and healing process. I received my education in Clinical Psychology. But my love of creativity and spirituality compelled her to find ways to combine her interests. This led to me in pursuit of a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology which enabled me to combine traditional psychology, expressive arts, and spirituality, and consciousness studies. Later, I added energy psychology modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting, hypnosis, Shamanism, and other areas of interest to her toolbox.
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