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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ego Work
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I have 10+ years of experience helping adults, teens, couples, families, professional and student athletes in crisis. My greatest passion is bringing growth and healing to my clients by helping them gain a greater sense of awareness without guilt, judgement, or shame. I guide and empower clients to live authentically, challenge old beliefs, and sort through their emotional baggage to heal from past pain. I am an advocate for self-healing. It is my joy as a Therapist to walk with individuals in their healing and change journey. As a mental health expert and speaker, I work with groups and organizations to change the conversation around mental health. Accelerating mental wellness to breakdown barriers by opening dialogue and increasing knowledge at regional and national conferences are a key part of my skill set. I am a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina and a Professional Counselor Telehealth Provider in South Carolina and Florida. I work with clients who may be struggling with depression or anxiety related to their work, relationships or family. I help women struggling with singleness, work-life balance, and in all stages of motherhood. I work with with men battling generational trauma and toxic masculinity. I help young adults struggling with the transition to adulthood and also college concerns. I work with couples and families to restore safety to their relationship, marriage, or family. I am also a Sports & Performance Therapist. I understand the demands of being an athlete. I help athletes work to overcome psychological performance obstacles, including anger, stress, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. I also help athletes through injuries, optimize performance, goal setting, transitioning in and out of sports, and thriving through relationships in sports. Connecting with me through conversation is a great first start if you would either like to begin your counseling journey or work together to build a working relationship. I have an extensive background and a variety of expertise on different areas of mental health and wellness that could be beneficial to your group, organization, or platform. Contact me today!
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