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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Embodiment
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Here at Belongly, I conduct outreach and marketing to form awesome partnerships with clinicians or patients that can benefit from our services. I offer mental health field consulting, as well as develop and design downloadable resources to assist therapists in their pursuit to help others. I hold an MSW from Hawaii Pacific University, BS in Human Development, and a BA in Philosophy. I am also currently pursuing my PhD in Community Care and Counseling/ Traumatology at Liberty University. Some of my other professional pursuits include brand strategy, graphic design and website development, e-learning instructional design, and workshop/course creation. I'm the CEO of Moment of Truth Coaching, where our main coaching focus and mission is the healing journey after trauma and navigating ways to use adversity for beautiful growth. Feel free to visit my website below! Send me a message and lets connect and collaborate :)
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Have a chat with our friendly chatbot, Bee. Bee gets to know YOU – who you are, what you’re dealing with, and more. Then, we use AI to match you with the therapists you’re most likely to have Therapeutic Alliance with and most likely to have success with.