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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 3 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Experiential

location-map Iredell , NC

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

20 Years in Enterprise Corporate Analytics & IT Sales & Services, Father of 3, married with tons of recovery experience, & my own career transition story. Managing my own mental health and career path have been paramount and instrumental in how I show up for my clients.

Licence Information:

12351A | North Carolina

location-map Philadelphia , PA | (561) 999 0899

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Pamela has been practicing Psychotherapy & Psychodrama for over 25 years. She focuses on how early attachment experiences play out in our adult lives. As a former movement teacher to actors, Pamela integrates the emotional experiences of heart and mind as they present in the body. Pamela works with individuals, couples and groups. She is a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, in addition to being a TEP in Psychodrama. She is passionate about helping people realize that healing is possible when understanding and love are available. Pamela has led training workshops in the United States and Europe. A fellow of the ASGPP, she is currently serving on the executive council of the ASGPP.

Licence Information:

CW021963 | Pennsylvania

location-map Hartford , CT | (860) 579 3258

Not Accepting Clients

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Licence Information:

1780 | Ct