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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Exrp
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Westchester , NY | (914) 400 3617
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Since childhood, I’ve felt drawn to the idea of finding “the key to happiness.” Through a myriad of life experiences, the key very often eluded me. It is this quest that led me to my path as a psychotherapist. Providing therapy over many years has enabled me to be of assistance to those in need. It’s also given me much insight into what makes people happy, bringing me closer to my lifelong mission. I am forever grateful to all my past and present clients. For each one who has shared his/her inner life with me, I’ve been very fortunate to glean his/her unique wisdom. In a large part due to my experiences as a psychotherapist, I am closer to understanding how one can cultivate happiness. Thus far, my evolving conception combines the following philosophies: * With purpose, comes happiness. * One of our purposes is to live our best life. * We are all messy, beautiful works in progress. No matter what we’re experiencing today, we can find the rhythm of life in it. We can learn something from our experience and can use it to help us become the best version of ourselves. * We are all connected to one another. We are here on earth to help better one another… by way of being productive, providing: support, a service, entertainment, education, access to goods, or any other gift that can be bestowed upon another human being. * A productive human is a happier human. About my psychotherapy background: I am a New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) who holds an “R” Privilege license in Psychotherapy. My professional career as a psychotherapist spans more than 27 years. These many years of experience provided me the opportunity to work with a diverse range of people from different cultural and experiential backgrounds, and a wide range of symptoms including: anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, ADHD, obsessions and compulsions, panic attacks, phobias, trauma, bereavement, life transitions, chronic pain, medical issues, substance abuse and severe and persistent mental illness. I’ve enjoyed working with prominent public figures, entertainers, artists, business owners, professionals, first responders, teachers, college and grad students, stay-at-home parents, and retirees.
050308 | New York
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