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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Forensic Therapy
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I am a licensed therapist in the state of Iowa with pending licenses in MN, AR, and CO. I specialize in working with children, adults and families. My focus is an integrated approach using techniques and therapies with EMDR, Somatic (body or bottom up) processing, Drama Therapy, Creative Arts, ACT, ERP, along with Gottman training. In addition to working with these populations I also provide forensic therapy for families involved with juvenile court and court ordered therapy through family (district) court processes. I am trained as a Mediator, Early Neutral Evaluator (SENE/FENE), and qualified neutral evaluator. I provide Custody Evaluations, Reunification Evaluations (Is it appropriate and how), Co-parenting work and Parenting Coordination. I also offer training and consultation to professionals on estrangement and parent child relationships issues. I am an adjunct professor with a local college, and a professional member of the AFCC, IACP, NCJFCJ, NADTA, and the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Association.
100999 | Lisw
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