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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gmct

location-map WI | (715) 725 0820

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My name is Kim. I’ve been called a therapist, counselor, shrink, head doctor, feelings doctor, among other things. Just to be clear, I can’t prescribe medication, so the last two are above my pay grade (although it’s kind of you to consider me in such high standing). My fancy title is a licensed professional counselor because it requires a boatload of school and national testing. I explain my job to my kids as that of a “feelings teacher.” Beyond that, I’m also a container – a safe space to hold your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Sometimes, I’ve thought of myself a little like The Giver (you remember that book in grade school where one person holds all the memories and feelings of the whole clan just so no one has to experience pain and suffering?). How I Got Here I started my career in residential AODA treatment and am eternally grateful for that experience. Without the direct or indirect experience of addiction, it gave me an understanding and immense compassion for the struggle of addiction. It taught me how to work with that, despite my lack of personal experience. Next, I spent five years in a small group practice that served in community mental health (That’s a fancy way of saying “lots of people, lots of issues”). This experience helped me grow as a therapist who knows how to provide quality, evidence-based treatment in an authentic and comfortable way. I shifted to solo private telehealth practice to perfect my craft in couple and family work and create some dang personal balance! Our modern lifestyle is at the core of many mental health issues we are experiencing collectively as humans – and to which I can personally relate.

Licence Information:

6669-125 | Wisconsin