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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 8 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gottman
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178.016665 | Illinois
MFT001879 | Georgia
MFT.0001834 | Colorado
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Dr. Wendy O’Connor is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified relationship coach with a remote private practice in Los Angeles, California. She has a passion for working with the multicultural, LGBTQIA community. Dr. Wendy specializes in crisis intervention and trauma with marriage, premarital, dating, pre/post-divorce, and relationship issues.
MFT40031 | California
Solo Private Practice
Middlesex , MA | (774) 505 7788
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My client is the relationship where each partner is equal and there is no "fault". Diversity is embraced and I identify as an LGBTQ+ ally. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and am also a Certified Clinical Supervisor. I am a Level 2 trained Gottman therapist and a Gottman Certified Bringing Baby Home educator. I am an empathic, non-judgmental therapist who believes in meeting you where you are and building on your strengths in a safe environment that allows you to achieve your relationship goals. Therapeutic approaches blend a client-centered orientation with a variety of evidence-based practices including Gottman, CBT and Motivational Interviewing.
10961 | Ma - Lmhc
023396 | New York
Hartford , CT | (860) 578 8638
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I was born and raised in central Connecticut, and am a first generation Italian-American. I am married with two children, a golden-doodle, and live in West Hartford, CT. I studied psychology and religion at the University of Connecticut, and obtained a Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sophia University) in Palo Alto, CA - the birthplace of family therapy. During that time, I also became a Steward of Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy and In-Depth Communication. I have training and experience in family therapy, trauma therapy, mindfulness and meditation techniques, consciousness studies, and traditional and modern adaptations of nature-based traditions (i.e. shamanic ritual and journey-work) which I use to guide and enrich my work with the people I serve. I have been helping individuals and their families to improve their wellbeing for over 16 years. I have trained several therapists and am a designated Approved Supervisor by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). I am an adjunct instructor in the Master's Program in Marriage & Family Therapy at Central Connecticut State University. My practice is welcoming to all people regardless of one's identified race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sex, or ability. I invite you to correct or educate me at any point so that I can know you better. My pronouns are he/him/his.
1430 | Connecticut
Founder, Clinical Director, Muse & Grace Mental Health Counseling
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009467 | New York
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