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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Group Therapy

Clinical Therapist

location-map Wayne , MI | (313) 504 6277

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My six year teaching experiences have placed me in a sector towards understanding students' motivations and what gravitates them into their success. Students have a variety of needs, and respond compassionately when those needs are met, worked towards, and/or expanded. My qualifications in Mindful Classroom, SEL Leadership, Mindfulness Certification, Art Therapy, Group Therapy, guided meditations, as well as my overall MSW, show only a few of my experiences with differentiation in student capacity, relationship cohesiveness, parent-peer interactions, as well as student success habit building. ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), & CBT (Cognitive-Based Therapy) Therapy , as well as Art Therapy modalities are strategies that I’ve utilized to best support student’s emotional and mental health while in the school setting. MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), Strength-Based, & Trauma Focused approaches are what has assisted student populations the most since my start to education in 2014. All approaches assist students in teaching them to accept & commit to their growth, challenges, and resiliencies that help them strive for better. As each student is different, ACT & CBT train the mind to find beauty in difference, acceptance towards any changes, and committing to the promises we set for ourselves & our lives. While Art Therapy allows each student or client to create from within and grow towards expanding on that creation. I use mindful practices as an assistant in understanding brain parts; part of growing your brain is noticing when common obstacles get in your way, you have the power to train 1 your mind and choose growth to get past that obstacle, versus negative self talk, which may be automatic for some students. The therapeutic approaches I cater to show students this bio-cognitive connection aligned student outcomes & actions in school. Students enjoy the power in their minds and then activate dopamine positive experiences compared to negativity in the mind, which activates the stress hormone. This is very important in K-8th grades as students are defining multiple identities & formulating relationship bonds. This is just as important in high school grades 9-12th, as students are preparing & planning for independence & pivots. My experiences as a college preparatory high school student has assisted me in carrying the mindset of ACT, Mindfulness, and Goal Planning forward with my students as well.