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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ketamine Assisted Therapy
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Clinical Director
Jefferson , CO | (708) 740 0136
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Aleya Littleton, MA, LPC, is an adventure and somatic therapist with a Masters in Adventure Therapy from Prescott College, and a certificate in Integrative Nutrition for Mental Health. She specializes in trauma treatment and the use of nature and the outdoors for healing. Her background as a middle school science teacher and NASA Formal Education Lead inspired her fascination with neurobiology, the human body and the natural world. She is a rock climbing guide, and trains therapists in the use of rock climbing in therapy. She completed her externship at Innate Path as a Ketamine and Cannabis assisted psychotherapist in 2019. A public speaker and therapist educator, she was featured on The Three Day Effect, and in Outside Magazine.
LPC.0015908 | Colorado
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Began nursing career in 2003, working 15 years in Labor and Delivery. Moved to ED/Level II Trauma Center for 4 years while completing Masters in Nursing, specializing in Acute Care Adult Gerontology. Prior to completion and APRN licensing, received position as APRN working as a provider with the Behavioral Emergency Services Team from the ED that I originated. Once I received APRN licensing and Acute Care Certification, I immediately enrolled for a Post Graduate Certificate for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. I received this certification in 2021 and have been practicing in the emergency room and outpatient setting since that time. I recently began contracting with a small ketamine clinic in my town, offering psychiatric evaluations, gene site testing, ketamine infusions for treatment resistant depression, OCD, anxiety and PTSD, ketamine assisted therapy, as well as outpatient medication management for those in need. My personal business, Serene Restoration, LLC specialized in concierge psychiatric and mental health services, specializing in integrative psychiatry as fee for service offered virtual, home or office visits. Open to clients who live within the state of Florida.
APRN11012724 | Florida
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