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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 6 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Life Transitions Therapy

location-map Morris , NJ | (908) 224 0007

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I became a therapist because of a deep interest in understanding people. The stories individuals carry and their extraordinary strength when confronted with challenges like chronic illness, grief, and life transitions have always held me captivated and continue to do so. My curiosity regarding the complexities of the human experience and existence only deepens with time. As a therapist, my motivation is rooted in a genuine concern for my clients. My aspiration is to help clients in finding fulfillment by exploring and making meaning of their life experiences. My dedication to being a therapist is a lifestyle. The process of perpetual learning, growth, and development, alongside my clients, is an integral part of my philosophy.

location-map Erie , NY | (716) 431 4379

Not Accepting Clients

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Licence Information:

11623 | New York

(650) 489 5252

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Couples Therapist with over 20+ years of experience. Specializing in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Bilingual in Spanish/English. Specializing in interracial relationships, immigration, communication difficulties, infidelity and blended families.

location-map Sacramento , CA | (916) 880 8079

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Licence Information:

PSY21884 | California

location-map King , WA | (425) 429 2230

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Relationship therapist specializing in solving communication problems with couples, parents of adult children, and small-business owners.

Licence Information:

LF60979213 | Washington

location-map Albemarle , VA | (434) 202 8242

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Licence Information:

0810004298 | Virginia


location-map Cook , IL | (847) 701 4533

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Pamela Fullerton - Founder of Advocacy & Education Consulting, LLC Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Professional Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional Licensed School Counselor (PEL) Adjunct Instructor at Northeastern Illinois University Doctoral Student at Governors State University My professional training in various theories and models led me to reflect on my beliefs about human nature, how problems develop within people, and their capacity to change. My beliefs mirror closely with those of Alfred Adler. Taking an Adlerian perspective allows me to stay true to my core beliefs: society and the dominant culture’s oppressive ways impact people and therefore a shift to a more egalitarian society needs to occur; with empathic, compassionate, and culturally responsive support, people can change, grow, and improve their lives for both self and social interest; and with culturally responsive education and support, society can do better with each other and for each other. The work I engage in supports individuals and groups from traditionally marginalized and under-supported communities. I also specifically target and challenge my professional counseling colleagues, educators, and our allies to broaden our multicultural competency lens and expand our social justice and advocacy services to eliminate the barriers to access and equity in the various institutions still upholding the status quo.

Licence Information:

180013616 | Illinois