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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In MBCBT
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We live in an overly stimulated world even while hiding from a virus, with constant choices regarding how we spend our time and energy and procure our needs. The amount of content we engage with daily has most people overloaded and unfocused. Which means, most of the time, we are not truly listened to or seen. For some, stepping into therapy is the first time they have experienced being heard and seen, wholly, genuinely, and comprehensively. The initial experience of being heard, can have a profound effect on one’s life. That is where we will begin. In a space with presence, non-judgmental empathic listening, and acceptance. As a queer, creative, polyamorous, and ethnic therapist, with a multi-year former career in the major label sector of the music industry in Los Angeles & Nashville, my work often uncovers the creative expressive, dynamic soul, as well as identity exploration, connection, intimacy, and sexuality. For couples, I work with polyamory, non-monogamy and monogamy. Depth psychology, the psychospiritual, Buddhist & Sufi philosophy, Persian Mysticism, Nonviolence, art, film, music, the ebb & flow of the ocean, the lush forest, and the many different cultures and colors of human spirit inspire me creatively, spirituality, and poetically. Being the Californian I am, I often use the ocean & surfing as metaphors for healing.
MG61186885 | Washington
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