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Today is December 22, 2024
We have 3 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Medication Management
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New York , NY | (201) 380 3673
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Ernesto Henderson, DO, MS, is an experienced psychiatrist leading the team at Finding Balance DO in New York City. He specializes in ADHD but has experience treating patients with various mental health conditions. Born and raised in Washington, DC, Dr. Henderson left the area to attend the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. He then attended medical school at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in the neighborhood of Central Harlem in New York City. After graduating, Dr. Henderson completed an internship at HMH Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen, New Jersey. He then moved to St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC, where he completed a general psychiatry residency. Dr. Henderson is completing a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to speaking English, Dr. Henderson is proficient in French and Spanish and has some proficiency in Japanese. Dr. Henderson looks forward to treating new and existing patients at Finding Balance DO.
DO034809 | District Of Columbia
1083445 | Texas
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