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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mind-Body
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You should be proud that you’ve decided to take this first step of making yourself a priority. It takes courage to be vulnerable and admit, “I’m not ok.” Being willing to ask for help is a strength. At times in life, we may feel stuck and overwhelmed by debilitating burdens. Now is the time for healing and to work on releasing those heavy emotions. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, it is my goal to create a non-judgmental empathetic safe space to process feelings, learn to let go, and support you on your therapeutic journey. I’m sure you would like to know a little about my journey as well. I grew up in sunny San Diego in California. I enjoyed being a short drive from the beach and the beautiful weather. During my spare time, I love being with my family, husband, son, and dog Baxter. I strive to focus on my self-care with activities like acupuncture, being outdoors, traveling, and music festivals. You also may find me eating at all the different taco spots that Austin has to offer. My favorite is the Migas Taco from Veracruz All Natural! I got my Bachelor’s degree in psychology because I’ve always been fascinated with how the mind works. I moved to Austin to be close to my sister and nephew and pursue my Master's of Arts in Counseling from St. Edward’s University. Ever since I was little, I loved listening to everyone’s stories and helping people. I truly knew from a young age that I had an innate ability that was meant for supporting others. I always feel honored when people trust me on a deeper level and are truly able to be their authentic selves in our work together. Thank you for allowing me to go on this journey with you.
LPC 82258 | Texas
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