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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mindfulness Based Self Compassion

Licensed Psychologist

location-map Duval , FL | (904) 201 9565

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I am a licensed clinical psychologist in New York (#025428), Florida (#11506) and Colorado (#5320). Currently, I provide psychotherapy via telehealth to individuals, couples and families in New York, Colorado and Florida. I also have in person availability in Jacksonville, FL. I work with adults who are struggling with self-criticism, anxiety, grief, depression, or relationship problems. I specialize in helping individuals heal from experiences of trauma and have expertise in women's issues that can impact mental health like pregnancy, parenting, infertility, menopause, and pregnancy loss. Finally, I offer therapy for couples and families who are wishing to heal from conflict or infidelity and improve relationship satisfaction. My style is warm and accepting; I help clients cultivate mindfulness and self-kindness while moving toward their goals by creating a compassionate and safe emotional space. In my practice, I value diversity and strive to practice cultural humility. I encourage people of all identities to contact me for services. I earned my PhD in Clinical Psychology from Stony Brook University in New York and completed my APA-accredited predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the Denver VA. I received my fellowship training in the Denver VA's Family Program, where I stayed and worked as the Women’s Mental Health staff psychologist. At the VA, I co-founded and co-chaired the Mental Health Service Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workgroup and supervised learners who were completing their postdoctoral and internship training years.

Licence Information:

PY11506 | Florida