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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Motivation Interviewing

location-map Richmond , NY | (929) 724 3878

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

In my practice, I primarily work with adults to help them with a wide array of issues that can include anxiety disorders, depression, self-esteem, trauma and relationship problems. Working with a trusted practitioner can help in gaining insight to depression/anxiety and the overall up's and downs of life. A majority of my experience has been in helping patients overcome traumatic experiences, while working together in establishing a healthy array of skills in managing such circumstances & any unpleasant symptoms the patient may have experienced I use a warm and collaborative approach, and encourage patients to be an active part of their sessions as we work together toward their desired goals. Treatment techniques and a positive therapeutic relationship are essential to a positive outcome, and while hard work is involved, I want patients to enjoy their sessions and look forward to attending. Therapeutic services are currently available to those residents of New York, New Jersey and Virginia.

Licence Information:

080095 | Ny