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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Nature Based Counseling

Clinical Director

location-map Jefferson , CO | (708) 740 0136

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Aleya Littleton, MA, LPC, is an adventure and somatic therapist with a Masters in Adventure Therapy from Prescott College, and a certificate in Integrative Nutrition for Mental Health. She specializes in trauma treatment and the use of nature and the outdoors for healing. Her background as a middle school science teacher and NASA Formal Education Lead inspired her fascination with neurobiology, the human body and the natural world. She is a rock climbing guide, and trains therapists in the use of rock climbing in therapy. She completed her externship at Innate Path as a Ketamine and Cannabis assisted psychotherapist in 2019. A public speaker and therapist educator, she was featured on The Three Day Effect, and in Outside Magazine.

Licence Information:

LPC.0015908 | Colorado