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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Neurotherapy

location-map Denver , CO | (720) 232 0834

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Sean is the owner of Neuro Colorado. He is passionate about pursuing a full and meaningful life for himself and other around him. He thrives by helping others grow, learn, and heal. Sean believes Neuro Colorado is an excellent environment for this to happen. He has a rich and diverse academic background, with degrees in organizational development, counseling, and theology, and a great love for the outdoors. In addition to his interest in outdoor sports, he also enjoys building things: relationships, community, and a deeper knowledge of the way things work. Sean is Board Certified and trained in multiple types of Neurofeedback and Neurostimulation as well as advanced trainings in psychotherapy techniques such as EMDR and Internal Family Systems.

Licence Information:

LPC 11636 | Colorado