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Today is December 20, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Person Centered Therapy

(252) 514 7766

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From 0 Reviews

At Compassion Counseling Center, we believe in the power of healing through compassionate care. Led by Dr. Jacqueline Puz, a seasoned therapist with over 19 years of experience, we provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals, couples, and families seeking support and guidance. Statement of Faith We will not impose our faith/beliefs on anyone, but we are not ashamed to express and share principles of faith when, and if, it is appropriate and does not cause harm.

location-map Chesterfield , VA | (416) 505 2700

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Jonathan is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and co-owner of Calming Wind Counseling Services. Calming Wind Counseling Services is a group mental health private practice located at in Bon Air and North Chesterfield Virginia. We are a team of licensed mental health professionals who are driven to provide effective and humanistic counseling. Jonathan Ugalde utilizes experience in private & non-profit organizations to provide person centered, trauma informed, and experiential based counseling. Jonathan Ugalde has experience in individual, group, and family therapy with treatment techniques and interventions based in adventure based counseling, experiential education, multi-systemic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, reality therapy, mindfulness, and behavior modification theories.

Licence Information:

0701008227 | Virginia