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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Polyvagal
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Kirk is an empath, a highly sensitive person, highly educated, and an experienced therapist. He tries to bring those things into his sessions and collaborate with his clients on more than a superficial level. “I am direct. I am honest with my patients. I will tell you what I think. Furthermore, I welcome open dialogue. I believe in telling you the truth and empowering my patients.” Kirk was born and raised in St. Catherine, Jamaica. He moved to Pasadena, California, at age 15 with his parents and 3 sisters. He attended Pasadena High and went on to get his bachelor’s in psychology from the University of California, Riverside. After undergrad, he worked in local communities, providing community support to children and families. He decided to pursue a master's in social work from a university that matched his ethics, values, and beliefs through a cultural lens that integrates both diversity and a client-centered approach. So, he chose to attend Howard University for his master’s in social work and graduated in 2007. After working in community mental health, he recognized that he also had a passion for both clinical work and advocacy, and therefore decided to pursue a master’s in international human rights and international law from American University and his juris doctorate from Valparaiso University. For most of his career, he has worked as a clinical social worker in foster care, child welfare, juvenile justice, investigations, and community mental health.
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