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Today is January 20, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Psycho-cybernetics


location-map Hennepin , MN | (612) 440 8377

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I specialize in the Twice Exceptional, a term for high IQ individuals who are also diagnosed with neurodivergence. I am also an AAMFT, MN BBHT + BMFT Approved Supervisor. I have a particular specialty in working with OCPD/Autism/rigidity, chronic illness, perfectionism, and bridging relational differences (between neurodivergence, cultures, race, SES, and health status). I work outside of the insurance model and often meet with clients for a longer period of time than the standard therapeutic hour, but with less frequency (such as 90min, biweekly sessions). I also practice from a place of “therapy polyamory”, wherein I encourage cx’s to have a primary and secondary therapist who engage in care coordination to help cx’s achieve their goals faster. I have a private practice in Golden Valley, MN, and see clients both in-person and via telehealth. People who think I'm a fit are often high-achieving individuals who find it grating to be so acutely aware of their problem(s) or symptom(s), have tried all the solutions they can think of, and are giving therapy “one last chance.” I successfully get clients “unstuck” by challenging them in new, surprising, and unconventional ways that are intended to push people 20% beyond where they are comfortable (because that’s where the growth happens!). My style is transparent, funny, collaborative, and unconventional. My orientation borrows from Motivational Interviewing, Somatic-Experiential, and IFS. These modalities help me to understand you, your unique situation, and what’s actually helpful. From there, I assist as an: accountabilibuddy, awkward situation specialist, and emotional disruption manager. I decided to become a therapist because I was so disappointed in my own therapy. Providers explained away things that shouldn't have been, and I wasn't viewed holistically. I felt overlooked, ignored, and hopeless. I work hard to ensure my clients never experience that.

Licence Information:

3573 | Mn