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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Role Playing
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Rev Kaleel Sakakeeny took a long time to get where he is. After earning BA, MA and MS degrees and working as a global journalist, and then a Life Coach, Kaleel suffered a major loss in his life that drew him toward spiritual and heart-related issues as he tried to heal. He decided to attend theology school, and became ordained as a nondenominational pastor (pastoral counseling) and animal chaplain, exploring the deep bonds between humans and animals, and the ways they were portals into other deep loves, losses, joys and pain. He then became a credentialed loss and grief counselor from a UK college and continued his pastoral and animal-human work and study-and ended up as the director of Animal Talks , a Boston-based 501 c 3 nonprofit animal charity. Kaleel's work with clients globally, as noted elsewhere, has received national and international recognition (Washington Post, People Magazine, NYT, etc), and he openly welcomes new colleagues and those interested in companioning on their grief and healing journeys. He is a Credentialed Grief Educator having completed David Kessler's reknown grief educator's program.
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