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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 5 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sandplay Therapy
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Executive Director at Treat NYC
New York , NY | (917) 476 3607
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010371 | New York
New York , NY | (917) 590 1211
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I provide psychotherapy for individuals and couples in the Flatiron District of Manhattan. I see children (10+), adolescents, and adults. Areas of expertise include: anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, trauma, and life transitions. I have been licensed since 2009 and have worked with diverse populations. I provide services for members of the LGBTQ+ community. I have also been a member of WPATH for several years. I have extensive training in Jungian Sandplay Therapy, and I am an analyst in training at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. I provide a safe and warm space for patients to explore their inner and outer worlds. I consider it an honor and privilege when someone chooses me as their psychotherapist.
011500 | New York
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ISW17308 | Florida
Santa Barbara , CA | (805) 350 6099
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Hola! I am a first generation Latina, who had many of her own life struggles but as result fueled my passion to help others acquire that their is hope for a better life and be true to yourself. Life is a journey and life is the experience that write the pages of our our true stories. I had to learn how to make something out of nothing and truly believe that we all have that inner strengths, and gifts. Allow me to walk this journey with you. I learned that you can lose everything but not the resources you have within. I also work with empathy and highly sensitive individuals. Aquí los espero!
LMFT 80561 | California
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I am Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor Associate. I am the owner and founder of Saving Grace Children & Adolescent Counseling Center. I have years of experience working in the non-profit and for-profit arenas. I have a special passion to assist children and teens. I hold a MA in Counseling and BS in Psychology. I have 22 years as a counselor working in various treatment settings.
10565 | Texas
Los Angeles, CA | (626) 244 7115
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Many of us come to therapy because we are experiencing symptoms, feelings or circumstances that we want to change. Only to discover that there might be deeper things that we desire, that the symptoms are only the surface. We discover that we want to find our purpose or calling, that we want freedom from expectations, freedom from fears. We are seeking meaningful and honest relationships. We wish to communicate efficiently. We crave inspiration, imagination, creativity, and clarity. We long to move forward, wherever that place is. We want to expand and feel the infinity that we are and explore all possibilities in our lives. To explore your path and goals I use creative approaches/methods that include expressive arts (visual arts, music, dance/movement, writing, storytelling, and theater), sound therapy, embodiment coaching and yoga, Jungian techniques, sandtray and play therapy. I also utilize more traditional methods such as DBT and CBT in creative ways. Our space will hold you and your state of being without judgment. There will be laughter and tears, sometimes heaviness or lightness. We can explore and process deeply while "going down the rabbit hole" of life and coming out whole and integrated to create the life you want to live. Let's connect to creativity and wonder.
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