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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Schemas
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Hello! I have been practicing as a LCSW psychotherapist since 2008. I am licensed in both Wisconsin and Florida. I started my own practice after a move to Florida in 2021. I specialize in helping others develop and/or strengthen coping skills and strategies to manage anxiety and depression, along with addressing painful life experiences that could be contributing factors. I use a combination of CBT with EMDR, CPT and schemas based on client needs. My other areas of interest include Motivational Interviewing and clinical supervision. In regards to MI, I am a member of MINT and available for trainings. For clinical supervision, I am a qualified supervisor in Florida and can also provide supervision in Wisconsin. My therapeutic style is relaxed, while also providing enough structure to allow for growth and change.
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