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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Solution Focus Based Therapy
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I am a clinical psychologist who enjoy providing psychotherapy services to children, adolescents, adults, and families. I specialize in treating depression, anxiety, anger, behavioral, adhd, and eating disorders. I provide both individual and family psychotherapy in English and Spanish languages. My goal is to accompany and serve my clients in bringing a balanced life. I hope to make a difference by providing great quality of therapy services. I love to be creative when implementing my therapy modalities as well as provide a safe telehealth space for my clients. I value team work and in working together with my clients and families to accomplish their life goals during our sessions. I am also Psypact certified so I can see clients across 39 states for virtual individual and family therapy sessions.
PY12149 | Florida
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