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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Solutions Focused

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I have always believed that individuals have the strength, insight, and power within themselves to build their most meaningful life, sometimes with a little bit of support from those around them. This primary belief led me to the field of clinical social work, where one of the core values of the entire profession is that we believe in the dignity and worth of each and every individual. My professional experiences within the field of clinical social work over the past 20 years have been extensive, allowing me the benefit of working with individuals at all ages and stages of life, within a wide variety of specialization areas. In 2016, my professional path led me towards private practice, where I took a leap of faith and opened the doors to my own office. Initially intending my practice to be a part-time supplement to my full-time work, it quickly became apparent that people needed support, especially in the areas of my focus. My work as a therapist, author, and college professor is my passion but I also believe in a strong work-life balance. When I am not with clients or students, you can often find me on a sports field cheering on one of my children or taking quiet time at home with one of our 5 (yes, 5!) pets.

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