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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Supportive Counseling
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Maricopa , AZ | (602) 391 6032
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Greetings! As you can see, my name is Heidi. I have been practicing professional counseling for over 22 years now. I love what I do. I am passionate about people and about people having peace of mind and ease of being. I consider myself to be a life long learner and my learning has taken me on a journey to discover all I can about the human condition, what we are capable of and the innate gift of healing that I believe exists in all of us. Professionally, I have a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and practice as a Certified EMDR therapist. I am also trained in mindfulness meditation, interpersonal neurobiology and leadership. All that aside, I believe it's my personal life experiences and the on the court learning that happens when I meet with each and every client, that has made me the person and provider I am today. Be it in session, at an athletic event, our out with my family, each experience teaches me something new about our human condition. I believe, it is this ongoing process of being open to the experiences I encounter each and every day, that has me to be the practitioner I am today. I am grateful for all of my clients and their willingness to partner with me on their healing journey. Their willingness has allowed me to continue to grow and provide quality services for all. Call or text me to set up a free consultation and we can discuss what you'd like to see happen for you and your life, 602.391.6032.
LPC-11187 | Arizona
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