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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 4 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tfcbt
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Owner, Counselor, Consultant
Oklahoma , OK | (405) 708 6331
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From 0 Reviews
4475 | Licensed Professional Counselor-oklahoma
7512S | North Carolina
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From 0 Reviews
I began my counseling experience in a pastoral role serving youth and families. Upon retirement I earned my degree in Marital and Family therapy and began work with at risk youth and their families through intensive in home services designed to promote stability and success. I am licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in Tennessee and North Carolina and have worked in a variety of community, office, and home based clinical settings and have served children, teens, and adults helping address a wide range of emotional, behavioral, relational, and spiritual concerns. I will work with you to identify specific and measurable goals then collaborate with you to explore and apply strategies to help you meet your goals. Whether you are seeking to reduce feelings of anxiety, become a healthier partner in your relationship, or you have some other goals in mind, I want to join with you on your journey to success.
2126 | North Carolina
LPC009508 | Georgia
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