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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Transgenerational
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My name is Dr. Sharon A Deacon, Ph.D. I am a NYS Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has been helping individuals, couples, and families to create the relationships they desire for over 25 years. I have trained under experts in my field to provide scientifically-evidenced interventions that improve relationships and help them to last. I want to share my knowledge and skills to teach others how to build a firm foundation for their marriage and family that will last for generations to come! I am expertly trained in treating marital problems, sexual concerns, relationship conflicts, childhood traumas, family issues, and anxiety for the general population. I also have specialized services for 3 specific groups:. My academic career, research, and professional writing has focused on understanding the lives and unique problems of those in “helping professions” (therapists, physicians, healthcare workers, etc). I use this knowledge and expertise to provide therapy that is tailored to the needs of other service providers, because we are not immune to the problems we treat! My practice caters to professionals in the public spotlight who desire the utmost privacy and discretion in addressing their personal matters. Whether you are a pastor, attorney, political leader, public spokesperson, educator, administrator, physician, athlete, or CEO, my goal is to create a safe space for you to receive professional, effective counsel. I understand what privacy is worth to you and have systems in place to protect your personal information within the legal limits of confidentiality. I have spent a good portion of my career providing therapy through Christian organizations. I enjoy integrating Christian teachings and values into the therapy I provide for Christians who seek faith-based counseling. I strongly believe that healthy couples create healthy families, made up of healthy individuals, that form a healthy community, and make the world a better place! Lofty and idealistic, I know, but, I really believe that a better world and more fulfilled lives start with strong marriages and healthy families. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, with a minor in Education from SUNY Fredonia. From Purdue University, I received my Masters degree in Behavioral Sciences/Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) and my Doctorate in Child Development & Family Studies, with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). I have won numerous research and writing awards, published articles on practicing MFT, wrote for some national magazines on marriage and family topics, and authored a few books in my field. I have also been a professor of mental health, psychology, and/or family therapy at various institutions including Purdue University, Houghton College, and Medaille College. I continue to attend conferences, trainings, and workshops to sharpen my techniques and skills and remain informed of the latest research and approaches that can help my patients. I invest in the advancement of MFT because I believe in it and I truly love what I do! While my qualifications and passions have led me to be an expert in MFT, I also continue to apply everything I learn to my own life and I practice what I preach! I won’t suggest that my clients do anything that I, myself, have not or would not be willing to do! I have been married for 25+ years and have four children. Life at my house can be crazy at times. . . we laugh a lot, we cry sometimes, we argue, we struggle with screen time, we compete ferociously at family games, we struggle with emotional issues, and sometimes we end up in a crisis and need a break from it all (not a Ross and Rachel kind of break. . . just a cooling off period)! But, we keep on learning, and growing, and saying “I’m sorry,” and forgiving, and trying to do it better the next time. I have been in therapy many times myself as I seek to grow to my fullest potential and overcome the barriers that prevent me from doing so. I believe there is strength in asking for help along your journey! More personally, I grew up Catholic and have practiced my faith as a born again Christian for the last 25+ years. I strive to keep my faith and values at the center of all I do. I enjoy photography, graphic design, scrapbooking, painting, arts and crafts, hiking to waterfalls, reading, cooking, and exploring new places. If I could serve warm chocolate chip cookies in my therapy room, I would, because I do believe they make everything better!
New York
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