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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Virtual Reality (vr) Therapy
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Hi! I’m Jinxi and I'm a mental health therapist, writer, editor, educator, tattoo shop owner, and book publisher. I own a mental health private therapy practice called Black Sheep Therapy and I’m passionate about working with people who color outside the lines and find that non-conformity is their cup of tea. I also work in the publishing world as an editor and writer, creating art and tattoo-related publications. My publishing company, Out of Step Books, has published 27 books, including two children’s books. We are currently working on our 28th publication. I earned my doctoral degree (PsyD) in clinical psychology from California Southern University, with research specializations in sports psychology, eating disorders, positive psychology, the psychological benefits of tattoos, and addictive/compulsive behaviors. I am a professional counselor associate (License #R6563) with the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists. I am also a licensed CADC I [Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor (Cert. #20-09-10000)] in the state of Oregon and have worked in a variety of settings with clients experiencing substance use issues. In addition to private practice, I have worked in the community support setting, treating clients with SPMIs (severe & persistent mental illness); in the sports psychology field as a counselor; and as a school therapist at Bandon High School and Harbor Lights Middle School in Bandon, Oregon. I am trained as an LGBTQ Safe Space Ally with the Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and am also a certified instructor with the Zero Suicide Institute. I served on the Mental Health Committee for South Coast Education Service District (SCESD) and helped to create training materials and a suicide prevention/awareness program for schools in Oregon. Outside of the clinical setting I have developed and presented mental health educational seminars for artists and creatives at conventions around the country. These training events focus on issues like creative anxiety, depression, creative block/burnout, imposter syndrome, self-esteem, flow, self-talk, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, self-confidence, social comparison, self-care, and motivation. I have also presented seminars about the positive mental health effects of tattoos and their therapeutic benefits, including: as a way to establish identity, emotional benefits, heightened self-confidence and self-awareness, commitment, camaraderie with others, the expression of individuality, positive body image, help with reclaiming one's body, as an element of self-care and celebration, as a cathartic release when dealing with grief and trauma, and helping to shift from a sense of brokenness to wholeness. I co-own Out of Step Tattoos & Gallery in downtown Eugene, which features an awesome crew of tattoo artists and a diverse array of artwork. We also regularly curate and host art-based community events.
R6563 | Oregon
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