Summary: Dating/married to a pathological liar
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Anonymous
- Deadline: 9:00 AM EST – 7 March
Query: I’m looking to speak to relationship experts (psychologists, therapists, or similar) for a piece about lying in relationships. The piece is in response to the viral TikTok series “Who TF Did I Marry?” in which content creator Reesa Tessa describes her unhealthy relationship with a man who was a pathological liar.
- Is pathological lying a mental health disorder or is it a symptom of other disorders? Please explain.
- When it comes to pathological liars, are there any warning signs or red flags to look out for in the dating/getting-to-know-you process?
- Can smaller lies (“white lies”) also harm a relationship or erode trust?
- If you think your partner may be lying to you about something, how should you approach the situation? And what happens if they double down on their lies?
Requirements: Relationship experts, psychologists, licensed therapists, or similar.
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