Summary: How to address and manage grief?
- Name: Lauren Bedosky UHC Brand Matters
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: UHC Brand Matters
- Deadline: 8:00 AM EST – 31 May
Query: I’m looking for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals who can offer some tips for living with/coping/managing grief from a significant loss. Questions include:
- What should people do if they feel the emotions of grief coming on while they’re at work or in social settings?
- How can people cope with the physical symptoms of grief, such as fatigue, aches and pains, and insomnia?
- What are some healthy ways to express your grief, especially if you’re not comfortable or able to talk about your feelings with others?
- When should people seek professional help for grief?
Requirements: Licensed psychiatrist and/or related mental health experts
Summary: Looking for mental health professionals to review driving anxiety article
- Name: Peggy Black Aceable
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Aceable
- Deadline: 1:00 PM EST – 31 May
Query: Aceable is working on two articles, “How I Overcame My Fear of Driving” and “Driving Under the Influence of Anxiety” where a driver shares their experience with driving anxiety. We would like a licensed therapist to review our articles and speak to their accuracy and who can speak to ERP and CBT therapy.
Requirements: Licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist who specialized in anxiety disorders, particularly CBT and ERP therapy
Summary: Seeking US-based psychotherapists on talk therapy (Everyday Health)
- Name: Lauren Krouse Freelance
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Freelance
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 31 May
Query: Hi! I am working on a piece for Everyday Health about psychotherapy and seeking insight from psychotherapists (ideally PsyD, PhD and affiliated with a university) on the below;
- What are the main goals of psychotherapy?
- What is the most common psychotherapy?
- What is the most effective psychotherapy?
- When should someone see a psychotherapist?
- What’s the most compelling, recent research for the effectiveness of psychotherapy? (Feel free to speak to a specific form that you practice — such as CBT, DBT, etc)
- Anything else you’d like to add?
Requirements: Psychotherapists in practice, ideally connected to a university or with a specialization/certification in a specific type of therapy they can speak to. Thanks in advance!
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