Summary: Article on narcissistic family structure
- Name: Susan Fishman Psych Central
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Psych Central
- Deadline: 12:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: Hello, I’m working on an article about narcissistic family structure and would like input from a professional with experience in this area. My questions include:
- What is a narcissistic family structure? What are common signs of a narcissistic family? What are the typical narcissistic family roles/titles?
- What are the effects of growing up in an arcissistic family? How can it affect your mental health?
- What are tips for coping with narcissistic family dynamics?
- Thank you for your help!
Requirements: We are looking for certified and/or licensed mental health professionals with experience working with people/families with narcissism or NPD. We will also need:
- Your title and degree (e.g, PhD or MD)
- Where you practice (town and state)
- License number (we won’t publish but it helps us know you’re active and licensed)
- Website (professional practice and/or academic site. No directories or stores. LinkedIn as a
last resource)
Summary: Can a therapist break confidentiality?
- Name: Esmeralda Baez Health Digest
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Health Digest
- Deadline: 1:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: I need help with the following questions;
-What is considered confidential while in therapy?
-Can a therapist break confidentiality? If so, when is it considered appropriate to break it?
-When does breaking confidentiality become a little more uncertain?
Requirements: Licensed therapists and please include your license number.
Summary: 5 Easiest Ways to Flake Without Offending Someone
- Name: Kali Coleman Best Life Online
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Best Life Online
- Deadline: 1:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: Sometimes we get invited to events we don’t want to go to or agree to plans we no longer feel like doing on a particular day. In light of that;
- What are five different ways that you can easily “flake” without offending someone?
- Why are each of these some of the best ways you can cancel plans last minute?
- Why do people often get offended by people canceling plans last minute? Should you avoid canceling plans last minute when possible?
- Is flaking always a bad thing or are there times when people might need to cancel last minute? -What else do you think people should know about this topic?
Requirements: Looking for etiquette experts, relationship experts, therapists, etc! Please explain how your expertise is relevant to this piece in your response.
Summary: Seeking researcher/psychologist for a story on critical thinking
- Name: Alyse Kalish The Muse
- Category: Business and Finance
- Email:
- Media Outlet: The Muse
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: I’m looking to chat with an expert on critical thinking skills who can speak to what they are, the types of critical thinking skills you can build, the benefits of being a good critical thinker (particularly in the workplace), and how you can develop/improve upon these skills.
Requirements: Researcher/psychologist/authors with experience in this subject
Summary: Do Heterosexual Relationships Only Work If The Man Likes The Woman More?
- Name: Abby Zinman Her Campus
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Her Campus
- Deadline: 9:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: Looking for a relationship/psychology expert to answer this question for me! Although this may seem like an odd question to be asking, I’ve found this to be true in my experience – as have tons of users on social media and online — and I’d love to get an expert’s opinion. You can answer the questions below:
- Is it ever true that relationships work best when the man loves the woman more (e.g. early stages of the relationship, younger couples, etc.)? Why or why not?
- What are some fundamental differences in the ways men and women act in relationships, and how might these lead us to believe that men should love women more in a committed relationship?
- How could a woman go about determining if their partner loves them “enough” for the relationship to last?
Summary: Psychologists and/or media experts to discuss the ethics of covering mental health as a journalist
- Name: Sakshi Udavant NBCU
- Category: Entertainment and Media
- Email:
- Media Outlet: NBCU
- Deadline: 11:00 PM EST – 10 May
Query: Looking for psychologists and/or media experts that can talk about the ethics of covering mental health as a journalist. The story would discuss words not to use regarding mental health (unhinged, crazy, insane, etc.) and how and when to discuss someone’s mental state.
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