Summary: Grief/Trauma Expert – When an Abusive Partner Dies
- Name: Amanda Kippert
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet:
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 29 May
Query: Looking for someone to talk about the mixed feelings that might arise when someone’s abusive partner dies. What happens when you feel a sense of relief followed by guilt for feeling so? Or what happens when you feel sadness followed by confusion as to why, since this person was the cause of your trauma?
Requirements: Mental health professionals with expertise in grief and trauma
Summary: Surrender – How are friendship and surrendering correlated?
- Name: Managing Editor Mass Appeal magazine
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Mass Appeal magazine
- Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 29 May
Query: Surrender focuses on the various stress factors, how to mitigate them, and how to release what does not serve our well-being. This week we want to discuss the correlation between surrendering and friendship. Please be in-depth in your answers.
Requirements: Mental health experts. Please include social media handles.
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