Summary: Seeking therapists to share why exercise helps after breakups

  • Name: Rebecca Strong AskMen
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: AskMen
  • Deadline: 10:00 AM EST – 19 July

Query: Looking for answers to the following:

  1. Please explain why it’s important to find healthy coping strategies after a breakup. What’s the difference between a healthy and unhealthy coping mechanism?
  2. List at least 3-4 reasons why working out can be helpful after a breakup, and explain each. (For example, if you say exercise increases endorphins, explain what endorphins do for your mood — or if you say working out will boost your confidence, explain why it’s important to build up confidence after a breakup).
  3. Any tips for getting the most out of your exercise after a breakup? (For example, working out with friends to make it a social activity, or maybe finding a personal trainer who can help you reach your goals?)
  4. Are there specific types of exercise you recommend trying after a breakup? Why those? (Or any you advise against trying?)
  5. Can exercise after a breakup ever become unhealthy? (Say, if someone becomes obsessive with working out, or uses it solely to try and win their ex back?)

Summary: Relationship expert to discuss dating mistakes

Query: Looking for an expert to outline common dating mistakes and how to avoid them.

Summary: Looking to speak with mental/behavioral health experts about narcissism/echoism

  • Name: Sarah Fielding Verywell Mind
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Verywell Mind
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 19 July

Query: I am working on two stories, one about if narcissists cry or feel guilt and remorse. The other is about echoism. I am looking for mental and behavioral health experts to speak to for both/either of these stories

Summary: Back-to-School Anxiety

  • Name: Dina ElNabli New Jersey Family
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: New Jersey Family
  • Deadline: 8:00 PM EST – 19 July

Query: Looking for NJ-based experts to share some quotes/answers to the below questions:

  1. Back to school tends to be a time when anxiety spikes. How can a parent best support a child/teen who is anxious about academics, social situations, sports, and other things that come with the start of a new school year?
  2. How can you help your child stop comparing themselves to others (we know this is a big anxiety trigger, trying to keep up with others)?
  3. Is social media an anxiety trigger? What kinds of rules should parents set around social media and screen time in general?

Requirements: Must be an NJ-based therapist, psychologist, social worker or psychiatrist who works with adolescents.

Summary: Best Friend Envy for Teens – Need Psychologists and Therapists

  • Name: Amanda Kohr Girls Life Mag
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Girls Life Mag
  • Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 19 July

Query: Hi! I’m writing an article on what to do when you’re jealous of your best friend. The article is for teen girls. Questions include:

  1. What is best friend envy and is it common?
  2. What kinds of things might you envy about your best friend?
  3. What are some ways to combat envy?
  4. What can envy teach you?

Requirements: Must be a licensed professional

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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