Summary: Mental health experts – How to feel happy on a rainy day?

  • Name: Lauren Gray Best Life Online
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Best Life Online
  • Deadline: 9:00 AM EST – 17 August

Query: Hi, I’m looking for mental health experts who can offer tips on feeling happier/boosting your mood on a rainy day. Please share 4-6 tips, along with a brief explanation for why they’re helpful.

Requirements: Please also share your full name, title, and a link to your professional site so I can credit your quotes.

Summary: Benefits of meditation apps

Query: I’m working on a story about meditation apps for Sports Illustrated and I’m looking for mental health experts (licensed therapists, psychiatrists or MDs only) to answer the following questions via email. Please respond directly to the query with your answers. Include as much detail as possible (bullet points won’t work for us, sorry).

  1. What are the proven health benefits of meditation? Please link to studies if needed
  2. How can different types of meditation benefit different individuals (i.e. mindfulness, guided, relaxation, sound, etc.)?
  3. Who is meditation best for? Who is it not best for?
  4. How can a meditation app be helpful for learning and using this daily practice?
  5. Are there any downsides to using meditation apps?
  6. Please weigh in on the pros and cons of some of the more popular meditation apps, such as Calm, Headspace and Healthy Minds

Requirements: Must be a mental health expert (licensed therapist, psychiatrist or MD)

Summary: Moral Code – How to be polite as an adult in an ever-changing world

  • Name: Managing Editor Mass Appeal magazine
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Mass Appeal magazine
  • Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 17 August

Query: Society has changed greatly and so has the moral code. This week we want to discuss politeness. How has it changed as we grow older? For many of us, politeness is instilled in an early age and echoed throughout childhood. Can we go back to that? Can we enforce it among other adults? Tell us.

Requirements: We want to hear from therapists, psychologists, mediators, etc. Please offer your social media handles.

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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