Summary: Mistakes Couples Make When Splitting Chores

  • Name: Jeremy Brown Fatherly
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Fatherly
  • Deadline: 9:00 AM EST – 29 August

Query: I’d like to hear from a few therapists about mistakes couples make when splitting chores, coming up with 7-8 mistakes. The piece will talk about the importance of discussing — and rediscussing — household tasks as it’s an area that is ever-shifting and partners should be on the same page. Each of the tips should explain why these mistakes are mistakes and what the better path forward is.

Summary: Seeking mental health experts on disaster (Everyday Health)

  • Name: Lauren Krouse Everyday Health
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Everyday Health
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 29 August

Query: Hi! For Everyday Health, I’m seeking mental health experts, ideally associated with a university, to share their insight on the impact disasters have on mental health. Here are my questions:

  1. How do rising disasters impact mental health?
  2. How can parents and communities take care of children and teens in the face of disaster?
  3. What strategies or tools can be protective for their mental health?
  4. Tell me about vulnerable groups like older adults and communities of color and how disaster can be especially harmful to their mental health. What specific resources can be useful for each of them?
  5. What does disaster planning look like for people with severe mental illnesses? How can loved ones help support them?
  6. What policy changes need to happen to better incorporate mental health into our response to disasters?
  7. Anything else you’d like to add about this topic?

Requirements: Mental health expert (PsyD, PhD, etc) who can speak to disasters, mental health impact, and resilience

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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