Summary: Seeking therapists & dating/breakup coaches to share what to do right after ending a relationship
- Name: Rebecca Strong AskMen
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: AskMen
- Deadline: 10:00 AM EST – 24 October
Query: Looking for therapists, and dating/breakup coaches to answer the following:
- Why do people often feel lost after a breakup?
- Can you explain why what works for one person after a breakup might not work for another? Why does this depend so much on the person and nature of the breakup?
- Please share at least 3-5 tips for what to do right after a breakup (specifically in the immediate aftermath — say the first month or two after a breakup). Please be as specific and detailed as possible with your advice, offering examples whenever warranted/possible.
Summary: How To Support Your Friends & Family During Turbulent Times
- Name: Bryanna Cuthill Her Campus
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Her Campus
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 24 October
Query: There is a lot going on in the world right now and while social media allows us to stay connected it can also be extremely overwhelming. Looking for tips and tricks on how to not only stay informed but protect your peace as well as offer support to friends and family who may be going through it with all the turmoil in the world.
Requirements: Seeking the advice of a Licensed Therapist who specializes in PTSD and mental health triggers from outside forces like war and persecution due to skin color and religion.
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