Summary: Vitamins and Depression – Psychologists or Psychiatrists Needed

  • Name: Wendy Wisner SingeCare
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: SingeCare
  • Deadline: 3:00 PM EST – 10 February

Query: I have a few questions about using vitamins/supplements to help with (not treat or cure) depression. I am looking to connect with licensed psychologists and psychiatrists only. Here are my questions:

  1. Can you share in what ways vitamins and minerals can help with depression? Do they improve mood? Are they only helpful if you are experiencing a vitamin deficiency?
  2. Can you discuss how folic acid supplements may help with depression? For example, if you are deficient in folic acid, will you have increased depression? If so, why is this?
  3. How might probiotics help stabilize moods? How does the gut-brain connection affect our moods and how might balancing the gut microbiome help with depression?

Requirements: MD, Ph.D, Psy.D, or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I can only accept original quotes written by experts–not assistants or AI bots. When sending me emailed answers, please run your content through a plagiarism checker like Copyspace. I am unable to use any content that comes up as a red flag on a plagiarism checker. Thanks!

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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