Summary: Counselor or mental health professional with experience with near-death experience
- Name: Maggie Slepian Freelance Writer
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Freelance Writer
- Deadline: 3:00 PM EST – 21 February
Query: I am writing a story for Longreads about my experience nearly drowning in a kayak, and the years of PTSD from the time I spent underwater before going unconscious, convinced I was in my last few minutes of being alive. Would love to talk to a counselor or therapist who has experience working with the trauma of accidents and NDEs
Requirements: Mental health professionals
Summary: Kids & New Braces, Psychological Trauma
- Name: Varda Epstein Kars4Kids Parenting
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Kars4Kids Parenting
- Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 21 February
Query: I’m looking for experts to help me with the following questions;
- What are some of the fears kids may have about getting braces?
- Do younger and older kids have different concerns regarding getting and wearing braces?
- How can the orthodontist help ease the child’s fears?
- What can parents do to help prepare their children for the first day of school with the new braces?
Requirements: Orthodontists and child psychologists only
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