Summary: How to Deal With Living in a Toxic Household
- Name: Jessa Claire UpJourney
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: UpJourney
- Deadline: 7:00 PM PST – 11 December
Query: All great answers will be used, so please take the time to craft an in-depth and unique response. If possible, please add one or more headings to your submission. Overly self-promotional answers will be ignored. Please also include in your reply your full name, credentials and/or very short bio, square profile picture(don’t attach it, use a link), and website URL.
Summary: Explaining Disability to Children
- Name: Jamie Smith YAHOO – ONLINE
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: YAHOO – ONLINE
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 11 December
Query: I would like to hear from two different types of people.
- Child psychologist about the best way to explain disability to children.
- Parents or teachers of disabled children about why this is important and how they approach the conversation.
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